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    The application is designed to control Hamamatsu mini-spectrometer devices. The focus is to simplify the handling and data acquisition of those devices. The TOKUSPEC application offers a simple user interface where users can change the views to fit their specific requirements.


    The TOKUSPEC application is the first application based on the new Hamamatsu Photonics Deutschland GmbH programming framework named Kaishin. The word TOKUSPEC is derived from the Japanese Kanji letters 得, とくmeaning "Gain, Benefit or Advantage".


    If you require more information or support, please contact us at


  • Watch a demo of TOKUSPEC software


  • Features

    The following sections describe the available features.


    User Interface TOKUSPEC offers a convenient and versatile docking user Interface which allows for a variety of display combinations. The users can arrange the different views to fit their needs.
    Device Discovery TOKUSPEC is supplied with a feature called "device discovery view". The user simply needs to plug-in the mini-spectrometer device to the local computer. Then with a simple click the user can scan for all connected and supported devices. The identified devices are displayed.
    Device Configuration After scanning for connected and supported mini-spectrometer devices the user can view and modify the available device parameters (e.g. integration time, capture mode etc.).
    Preview and Measurement With TOKUSPEC, it is possible to preview live data from the connected mini-spectrometer devices as well as running long time measurements. The acquired data can be saved on the hard disk and loaded on demand (several file formats are supported).
    Basic Processing In addition to data acquisition, TOKUSPEC has basic functions such as emission, transmission or absorbance calculations.
    Data Correction In addition to the data processing features outlined in 2.5, users can acquire and work with correction data such as background, shading and references spectra. Correction data can be easily saved and retrieved.
    Filtering TOKUSPEC offers basic noise reduction algorithms such as average or median filters.
    Multithreading The application supports running measurements for multiple devices simultaneously connected. In addition, the connected mini-spectrometer devices do not have to be from the same range.
    Context-Sensitive Help TOKUSPEC offers a context-sensitive help. This makes it easy for a user to become familiar with the different program capabilities and views. In the application, users can simply press the F1 help key, and the documentation for the corresponding area will show up.
    Plug-in Concept Based on the Kaishin programming framework, the TOKUSPEC has a plug-in concept which allows the application to be extended with additional software modules. For detailed information please contact Hamamatsu Photonics Deutschland GmbH



  • Supported Devices

    The following table shows all supported mini-spectrometer devices, which can be used with the TOKUSPEC application.

    If you would like more information about our spectrometer devices, please click here


    Mini-spectrometer TM/TG/TF series USB1.1 C10082CA, C10082CAH, C10082MD, C10083CA, C10083CAH, C10083MD, C9404CA, C9404CAH, C9405CB, C11713CA, C11714CB, C9913GC, C9914GB
    Mini-spectrometer RC series C11007MA, C11008MA, C11009MA, C11010MA
    Micro-spectrometer evaluation circuit C13016 series C12880MA
    Micro-spectrometer evaluation circuit C13985, C13985-10
    C14384MA-01 evaluation kit C14989, C15036
    Micro-spectrometer evaluation circuit C14465 (C11351 series) C10988MA-01, C11708MA, C12666MA
    Mini-spectrometer TM/TG/TF series USB 2.0 C11482GA, C11118GA, C11697MB, C13053MA, C13054MA, C13555MA, C14214MA, C14486GA
    MEMS-FPI spectroscopic module C15712, C15713, C15714
    FTIR engine C15511-01
    Raman Spectrometer (CPRMU2) C13560
    Raman Spectrometer (WrrUSB2a) C15471
    OPAL-Luxe C16736-01



  • Version History

    Version 1.4.0

    Released in July 2024.

    • Improvements for the OPAL-Luxe device
    • Reworked measurement player with slider control for fast frame selection
    • Introduced Network (UDP Protocol) based recording stop and interval condition
    • Introduced rolling average acquisition filter
    • Added API/service for remote access via gRPC. It is possible to control the devices or access the data with own programs or programming scripts (e.g. Python) – locally or remote.
    • Remember the last UI layout (position and size of windows). When the application is restarted, the layout will be restored
    • Minor bug fixes and improvements


    Version 1.3.0

    Released in August 2023.

    • Added support for the Opal-Luxe device
    • Added support for the C10082CAH device (via ethernet)
    • Added support for devices which require manual configuration steps (e.g. IP address, COM Port etc.)
    • Upgraded to .NET Framework 4.8
    • Improved (speed and memory consumption) of XLSX export
    • Minor bug fixes and improvements


    Version 1.2.0

    Released in April 2022.

    • Added new Metadata view to present the signal meta-data after acquisition
    • Added lamp file correction for the emission calculation
    • Added new cut-out filter to extract a dedicated wavelength (pixel range) during acquisition
    • Added new Acquisition Processing view to load and use available filter plug-ins dynamically
    • Added new file formats for export/import operations (CSV, XLSX)
    • Introduced new default file format to save/load measurement data (KSPEC). The file format supports not only the signal data itself but also the correction data together in a single file
    • Simplified device scan operations (now the program can scan and activate the available devices automatically during application start)
    • Fixed acquisition interval for TG-NIR based on specu1b.dll
    • Added support for C13560 mini-spectrometer
    • Added support for C15471 mini-spectrometer


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